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Microsoft Power Query and Power Pivot Training - Online and Onsite

You want the best Microsoft Excel Power Query and Power Pivot training for you and your team. Mike Derham has been providing training to individuals, groups, and corporate clients for over 20 years, and always delivers the right information at the right time. All courses are customised to your needs.

Call +353 (0)87 6995766, or email mike@betterskills.ie, to discuss your Excel training needs without obligation.


The duration of your course depends on what content you would like to be delivered. Typically an introduction, intermediate, or advanced course would be delivered in a one day onsite session, or broken into 3 x 2 hour online sessions delivered over separate days.

Other modular sessions that we offer can be delivered as 1, 2, or 3 hour sessions onsite or online. (We would recommend a maximum of 2 hours for online training sessions.)

Who Should Attend?

We aim to deliver the right content to the right people. Generally we would request a Training Needs Analysis form to be completed by each participant a few days prior to the session proceeding. In most cases we can agree a level of content that is suitable for all joining into the course.

As a guideline:

Power Query and Power Pivot courses are aimed at people that have used Excel before and are familiar with the concept of linking data from one file to another. These courses are not suitable for a novice Excel user however we can customise a session to ensure that basics of Excel usage, and the process of using either of the Power Query or Power Pivot, are covered.

Power Query Import and Append Data

This Power Query session will introduce you to the concept of using Power Query to import data from an external source, perform some simple clean up operations, and export the results back to Excel. You will also learn how to append more than one file to another. Read more here...

Power Query Import and Merge Data

This Power Query session will introduce you to the concept of using Power Query to import data from an external source, perform some simple clean up operations, and export the results back to Excel. You will also learn how to merge two files together. Read more here...

Cleaning Up Data with Power Query

This Power Query session will introduce you to the concept of using Power Query to clean up data from an external source and export the results back to Excel. This enables you to deal with the repetetive nature of working with downloaded reports from various external data applications. Read more here...

Appending Data from Multiple Files in a Folder Using Power Query

This Power Query session will introduce you to the concept of using Power Query to clean up and append multiple files in a folder, and export the results back to a single Excel worksheet. This enables you to work efficiently when you have repetitive downloaded reports on a daily or weekly basis that need to be appended them together. No more copying and pasting from file to file, using Power Query will eliminate the tedious nature of working with multiple downloaded reports from various external data applications. Read more here..

Power Pivot Introduction

This course covers the basic concepts of Power Pivot and demonstrates an import from external data, data already inside Excel, creating a measure and a KPI... Read more here...

Design Your Own Course (Any Level)

The above courses can all be customised to suit your direct needs. Any topics can be combined within reason, to develop and deliver the features that  you need to know. Contact Mike now for a no obligation discussion on your options.

Contact Details

Better Skills Training Logo Better Skills Training Ltd
Snail Mail Cork IrelandBallincollig, Cork, Ireland
Email mike@betterskills.iemike@betterskills.ie
Phone +353 (0)87 6995766+353 (0)87 6995766
Company Registration Number: 636959 Company Registration Number: 636959
VAT Registration Number: IE3576370FH VAT Registration Number: IE3576370FH

Contact Details

Better Skills Training Logo Better Skills Training Ltd
Snail Mail Cork IrelandBallincollig, Cork, Ireland
Email mike@betterskills.iemike@betterskills.ie
Phone +353 (0)87 6995766+353 (0)87 6995766
Company Registration Number: 636959 Company Registration Number: 636959
VAT Registration Number: IE3576370FH VAT Registration Number: IE3576370FH